Back in the day an insufficiency of the male hormone testosterone was considered the main physical cause of impotence. These days it is clear that it plays a bigger role with libido than with performance….

Back in the day an insufficiency of the male hormone testosterone was considered the main physical cause of impotence. These days it is clear that it plays a bigger role with libido than with performance….
The ginseng plant is widely used in many different parts of the world like China, Japan, and Korea since a long period of time because of its innumerable benefits. It can benefit different kinds of…
My husband of 30 years has become impotent. Viagra did nothing but give him a headache but we tried cunnilingus for the first time recently and liked It, however’ worry that he gets no pleasure…
L-Arginine, an amino acid, plays an important role in human biochemistry. This includes your normal immunity mechanism, secretion of hormones, and ammonia detoxification. L-Arginine also helps in nitric oxide formation, an important part of endothelial-derived…
The 2 elements of giving a woman mind blowing orgasm will concentrate on are: One. Strategy (the way of thinking and general framework from the female climax) Two. Tactics (methods and the how to’s) The…
Here are true authentic reviews of this product taken from and some Forums .
Here are the best foreplaying spots on a woman’s body and the most erogenous zones on the woman’s body.
A highly tuned and sensitive nervous system is designed to facilitate Premature Ejaculation. The nervous system is comprised of two primary systems; central and peripheral. The central nervous system includes of the brain and the…
Magna-rx, Blowing Tiger, Rx-stamina, ProLibido, or anything fancy with an ‘x’ in it. And you got a penis pill name? I think I am the guy who used to get excited about the idea of…
In the animal kingdom, humans got the shaft on a lot of things. They don’t have any cool defensive weapons. They don’t even have fur or skin that protects them from the elements. Mother Nature…
We all know that sexual performance is usually diminished with increasing age, at least this really is asserted by the doctors. Sometimes it may be caused by other reasons like decreasing hormone levels – low…
The male enlargement techniques have a good deal of bad reputation, simply because men and women think they cannot truly achieve real benefits by taking a pill and seeing their sexual functions boosted up and…
There are a number of male enhancement products sold over the counter which means that you simply usually do not require a prescription to purchase them. Do they work or not? You may need to…
There are a lot of men who aim to improve their sexual performance and libido. Similarly, there are those who want to increase their sperm volume in order to improve their sexual reproductive health. It…
Does size really matter? For the majority of men, the answer is a resounding yes! All over the world, millions of men are hoping to enlarge their penis size in the most painless way possible….
There are men who aim to increase the production of their sperm not just for sexual reasons but for reproductive purposes as well. However, one might be hesitant to try a product that they are…
Men today are always on the lookout for male enhancing supplements that can help improve their overall sexual performance and health. Due to the advancement of technology in today’s world, such products are made available…
Nowadays, male enhancement products are on the rise. This is due largely to the technological advances of the internet. This market vehicle is ideal for selling ‘male only’ products that can be discreetly ordered with…
As men grow older, they start having difficulty in terms of sexual performance. Matters of reproductive health (sperm volume, count, etc.) also becomes challenging for them. One of the easiest ways to improve sexual health…
Kamagra is a brand of generic Viagra often prescribed for those suffering from erection problems. Consuming these pills is easy and it has minimal effects on your usual lifestyle. This blue colored diamond shaped medicine…
Lepidium meyenii (Maca) is a herbaceous biennial plant. It looks like a radish and it grows in higher altitudes. It is found growing in severe climate of Andes in South America. It is one among…
Peel back your skin of virtually any adult connection and you will find a pounding core of libido. You might deny this on first reflection, but give me one minute. Don’t consider the surface, but…
Sex and the Endocrine System The hypothalamus in the brain triggers a chain reaction of hormonal stimulation. A hormone (which in Greek means to “stimulate or excite“) is another type of chemical messenger that travels…