Steps to give multiple orgasms to a woman

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Phase 1: Seduction

Many may not believe this but female orgasms do not begin inside the bedroom.

First of all, a woman has to feel attracted to you. When the attraction becomes too strong, this can develop into a sexual desire that lets her become horny. This, in turn, can allow her to have an orgasm.

This is, actually, the goal of the “Seduction” phase, to boost the sexual desire of your partner to prepare her for the next phase.

Stage 1: Desire

Desire has 2 distinct components: Initial Desire and Sexual Desire

1. Initial Desire or Attraction

Initial desire is present when a woman is attracted to you.

I gather that you are now in a relationship or you are nearly close to having one and you are ready to have sex. Let me simply put it this way. Someone is attracted to you or women can get easily attracted to you.

For this reason, I am focusing on the other component, sexual desire, and other things that
go on inside the bedroom.

2. Sexual Desire

Sexual desire is felt by a woman who is horny and who wants to make it out with you.

When a woman is horny, she is open to letting you touch her in a sexual way. In addition to
this, her body will respond to whatever sexual techniques you will use on her.

Phase 2: Sensations

Since she is willing to have sex with you, she is ready for the next phase, Sensations.

This phase consists of 2 distinct stages, Excitement and Plateau.

Stage 2: Excitement

This is the stage when you will help in relaxing her body and mind, and build up anticipation and sexual tension to allow her to have an orgasm.

You will need some tools such as a body and labial massage to make her feel relaxed. It is a huge mistake for couples not to consider relaxation or sexual tension when making love.
When you don’t include these 2 important steps, she will find it difficult to have an orgasm.

You will observe the following during the Excitement Stage:


Increased heart rate
Increased breathing
Increased muscle tone as she feels more tense
Healthy flush on her face, breasts, hands and soles; other body parts turn red on some women


Erect nipples
Slight increase in breast size
More visible veins

Internal Genitals

Increased lubrication of vagina
Expansion of upper 2/3 of the vagina

External Genitals

Swelling and opening up of inner lips
Flattening and spreading out of outer lips
Erect and larger clitoris

Stage 3: Plateau

The Plateau Stage is when you directly stimulate her genitals. You begin slowly then little by little increase the pace until she has reached her peak and she is about to have an orgasm.

The following is what you will observe during the Plateau stage:


More increase in breathing and heart rate


More increase in breast size
Darkening and swelling of the areola, the dark circle around the nipple, which gives a flat appearance to the nipples.

Internal Genitals

Increased lubrication
Smaller vaginal entrance; as you enter the vagina it will feel tight but once your inside, it gives a spacious feeling due to the expansion of 2/3 of the inner part of the vagina

External Genitals

Further swelling, thickening and darkening of the labia
Retraction of the clitoris upwards into the body hiding under its hood

Phase 3: Surrender

In the Surrender phase, the woman is about to have an orgasm. Since the system is meant to produce 3 orgasms, we have to go 3 times through the Plateau and Orgasm stages.

Stage 4: Orgasm


Pre-orgasm is the instance just before an orgasm. You have to know what you should do and should not do to make sure that she will have an orgasm.

The Orgasm

The orgasm is the release of all the sexual tension you have created inside her.

The Multiple Orgasm Cycle

She doesn’t have to enter into a reflection stage after her first orgasm. The reason is:

Men enter in to a refractory period after having an orgasm, wherein they would like to rest for some time. It is not possible for them to become sexually aroused anytime soon. On the contrary, women do not enter into a refractory period so they are capable of having multiple orgasms.

Important: The Blue Print’s main strategy is that she will go from one step to the other to have an orgasm ahead of you. She will not go through the Refection Phase. You will take her back into the Plateau Stage and go through the same process, allowing her to have multiple orgasms.

You will observe the following during the Orgasm Stage:


Rapid increase in breathing and heart rate
Shaking voice
Arched toes
Closed eyes, flared nostrils, inability to speak
Steady eye contact upon letting go
Spellbound look with droopy limbs and soft body
Orgasm that lasts for about 15 to 20 seconds, less than a minute, at the most
Muscle contraction all over the body, including the arms, legs, thighs, back, buttocks and pelvic muscles.


Similar to the Plateau Stage

Phase 4: Reflection

Reflection is the final phase of the Orgasm Blueprint.

This phase consists of 2 important aspects; the psychological (reflection) and physical (resolution).


The Reflection Phase takes you back to the Seduction Phase of the following sexual encounter. This means that whatever you do will greatly affect the next time you have sex.

Psychologically, you will want to emphasize the pleasure and satisfaction she experienced with you so in case the cycle goes back into the Seduction Phase, she will be thinking about you more often, be more attracted to you and will want to have sex with you more frequently.

Stage 5: Resolution

Physically, she is gong through a Resolution stage. Her body is returning back to its former physical state while she is recovering from the orgasm.

What can you expect during the Resolution Stage? Her body will go back to its regular state, which is not aroused. This is a total reversal from what has been created during the previous stage.


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