The human body is all about balance and collaboration. Every function in the body works with a variety of other systems in order to make everything flow. Understanding the inner workings of your own body…
sex enhancement
How to give a woman leg shaking Clitoral orgasm ?
If you ask most women they’ll tell you; the clitoris is their principal erogenous zone. The clitoris is a small little nub located at the top of the vaginal opening, for some women part of…
8 simple strategies for Male libido enhancement – How to increase libido
1. Become more physical It’s really easy to start feeling drained and weak if you have been leading a lethargic life, take the time to change all of that. Engage yourself in some new sporting…
Poor Sex mistakes – When Sex just isn’t working
Married couples sometimes find their sex life is spiraling down toward a smoldering ending. Many couples attribute this to either bedroom boredom or sexual incompatibility. A waning sex life is more likely caused by misunderstanding…
Exercise – Exploring Your Sexual Body!
Sexual awareness is a great thing to possess, increase yours by really exploring your genital area. Pick a time when you have complete privacy and really explore. Seeing a thing from every possible angle is…
How to be a sexually fit man?
The body works as a whole, balanced unit. When one aspect is off, all the other functions may suffer. If you truly want to be sexually fit, you are going to have to commit to…
Male Sexuality Facts – Characteristics of Happy, Healthy and Sexually Fit Men
Men are sexual creatures. All humans are but men somehow got the extra boost when Nature was dividing out characteristics. Still, men need to balance their sexual drive with the rest of their lives. There…
Steps to fix a boring sex life
People love explosions and celebrations, and why not, it’s exciting, right? Our best memories are usually centered on exciting events that we saw or took part in. That’s the reason why sex and excitement should…
Romance vs Sex!
Some men just don’t get it. Sex and romance go together, but romance does not necessarily mean sex. It is a hard concept for men to wrap their head around. If you ever want to…
Fixing Libido and Impotence with Sexual Enhancement Products
Libido and sexual performance are important to men. This is the reason why there is a lot of spam in email junk boxes that offer a wide range of products to enhance these. Most of…