Getting in touch with her G-spot
The “g-spot” is located on the inside wall of the vagina and in towards the front of the pelvic region. This area can engorge, leaving it open for stimulation, and potentially generate wave-like climaxes (or simply complementary pleasure) for most women. Ernst Grafenberg is whom the G spot is named after; he was the physician who re-introduced it to western society.
There is a wide array of feedback from women on ‘sensation’ in the g-spot region. Statements range from; there is no sensation at all to, it feels too sensitive.
You might not be able to automatically locate your g-spot, but don’t give up; this is a common experience related amongst women. Try to just relax and take your time while searching for that neglected and elusive erogenous nodule. Half of the fun of your journey is in traveling to your destination.
Try it out:
1. As part of your foreplay, lie down facing each other in a comfortable setting; try to elevate your relaxation threshold.
2. Have the man insert one or two (possibly lubricated) fingers into the vagina.
3. Work upwards on the interior vaginal wall (closest to navel) and feel around for a small nodule that is a little tougher than the surrounding area.
4. Gently stroke the area; try to develop a pleasurable rhythm.
5. She may suddenly want to go urinate; this is a common reaction, this means that you’ve found it. At this point you can stop and let her go to the bathroom or convince her to continue unabated.
6. You can also experiment with different sexual positions when doing g-spot stimulation; you may very well find a spot that allows for greater relaxation of the sexual muscles.