How to ejaculate more semen volume?

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Do Women Prefer Men Who Ejaculate More?

On the surface, many women report that ejaculate is “messy” or “gross.” However, their subconscious tells them something completely different. On the evolutionary, instinctual level, women are actually attracted to larger amounts of ejaculate simply because their primal mating instincts have made it clear that it is necessary to bear children.

Most men do not know whether they are capable of increasing the amount of ejaculate that they produce, but it is possible. All-natural and completely safe herbs can do wonders.

Semen is associated with virility, fertility and strength. Some men are just not happy with their semen. They would like to improve its quantity and quality.

Improving semen quality and quantity is influenced by many factors. Age and genetics play a big role in the production of semen. While a man can’t change these, there are other factors that can make a difference. Diet and health can make a difference in the semen that the body produces.

Every aspect of the body is affected by diet. Most men dread the word diet, but if they want to improve the semen some changes have to be made. A daily vitamin will help balance the body, especially if the diet is unbalanced.

Believe it or not, semen production is not a primary function. The body puts maintenance above reproductive functions. If the body is not getting enough nutrients to support the vital systems, semen production gets put lower on the list.

Caffeine and red meat are the joys of living, but they can actually negatively impact semen. They can be consumed but they should also share the plate with whole-grains and vegetables. Sorry, beer counts as neither a grain nor a vegetable.

Fluids are important in the production of seminal fluids. Men need to drink plenty of liquids to keep the body hydrated. Proper hydration will help increase the volume of semen the body can produce.

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There are several foods and nutrients that have been associated with better quality and quantity of semen. Egg whites, gelatin, wheat germ and omega 3 oils are all recommended to increase the consistency, though there is little data to support the claims. Some amino acids like L-arginine and lysine are reported to improve quantity.

Exercise may be the best answer to improving the semen. Better blood circulation throughout the body can help ejaculation and the release of a larger quantity of semen. Working out the PC muscles will also help endurance and make the ejaculation more powerful.

The frequency of sex can have an influence on the semen volume. Abstaining from sex for one to two days will result in a larger volume of semen that gets released.

Semen quality and quantity varies from day to day. A man can help a lot with a little extra care and patience. When it comes to semen, what is inside really does matter.


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